“A Time to Chill”    

 Issue 19

By:  Lori Fradkin          

November 1998

(Special to FWIW)    


Dear Reader,

This is a special issue of “For What It’s Worth.” My name is Lori Fradkin, and I am Ron Brounes’ 15 year old niece and recent summer intern.  I am writing this newsletter in an attempt to imitate my uncle’s style of writing (note the parenthesis) and to try something different. I hope you enjoy it!


Last night, as I sat down to a gourmet meal with my family (Cleburne Cafeteria), I began talking nonstop about my youth group. I described its current state and the various positions I dreamed of holding. My younger sister Leslie (age 13) begged me to stop, as she found this topic “totally” uninteresting. I simply answered, “One day you’ll understand how ‘cool’ it is to be a member of such an amazing organization.”


Leslie quickly replied, not to be outdone, “You’re not the only one in a club. I am on the drill team at my school.” My Uncle Ron joined in the conversation; he explained to us that although the two associations were very different in their goals and composition, it is important to belong to any type of organization. He remembers being my age and loving his youth group with the same passion that I now feel. Also, when he was younger, he adored being on his little league team (star player, he claims).




He went on to say that being in an organization did not end when he was a teenager. For several years he and certain other members of my family (you know who you are) have belonged to the very prestigious and highly esteemed University of Texas breakfast club. Some people may not understand the excitement with which they always greet this Friday morning gathering; however, for them, it is a chance to discuss with their fellow Longhorns the upcoming football games and the various players on the team.


Why, you may ask, would my uncle sit around with a bunch of UT alumni when he should be doing something a little more productive; for example, writing the newsletter he has been putting off doing? (Maybe that’s why I am writing this newsletter.) Is it really that important whether firing John Mackovic was a good decision? (Well, in his opinion, it is important.)  Why do I spend almost every weekend at programs for my youth group instead of always doing homework and preparing for upcoming tests?


Actually, it’s quite simple; everyone needs a time to relax and “hang out” with people who share his or her interests.  Taking a break from the everyday stressful world often makes the work you do even better when you refocus your attention on it. We all have something we enjoy doing with a group of our peers, but often we put it off because we feel we have more important things to do. This IS important though!!!




There are many types of groups you might consider joining; all of them are important but in different ways. Social groups are fun and give us a chance to just relax, “chill” with our peers, and enjoy ourselves. Community service groups give us an opportunity to help in our society. Serving food to the homeless, participating in charity walks/races, and volunteering at the Special Olympics are all activities we can take part in with an organization.  It is very rewarding to give assistance to those in need.  Business groups allow professionals to share ideas of how to be successful in the workplace. Church or synagogue groups give you the chance to interact with people of your same religion. Within these groups, you can discuss current issues affecting your religion, share the Sabbath, and celebrate other special occasions.


Last, but definitely not least, are school study groups. Sometimes learning is more effective when I work with a group of friends to prepare for upcoming tests or projects. Also, working in these groups is much more fun than studying alone! No matter which type or types of group(s) you decide to join, you will definitely benefit from these organizations.




I truly encourage each and every one of you to look for an organization that you love and with which you would like to spend your time. The friends you make and the enjoyment you find will be well worthwhile. I would like to end with a quotation from a song by “Green Day," popularly known as the theme from the Seinfeld clips (I put that in for Uncle Ron’s sake). An organization with your peers can be “something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right; I hope you [have] the time of your life.”


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FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH is a publication of Brounes & Associates focusing on business marketing and general communications strategies. Please call Ron Brounes at 713-432-1910 for additional information.  Lori Fradkin recently completed a highly successful summer internship at Brounes & Associates and has since moved on to bigger and better things, her sophomore year in high school.