“Our Top Story Tonight…” |
Issue 10 |
By: Ron Brounes |
February 1998 |
After surfing through the
channels on television the past few weeks, I’ve come to realize the United
States has truly become a tabloid society.
Certainly, early indications should have brought this to light well
before now. (So, I’m a little slow.) Americans had an absolute infatuation with
the O.J. trials, spending hours on end focused on Court TV, speculating about
motives, and even missing work to watch the verdict. The reaction following the Princess Diana
tragedy further revealed this mentality, as countless folks set alarm clocks
for 3:00 A.M to observe the royal funeral.
Today, a new “tabloid frenzy” has taken the country by storm as
virtually every conversation around virtually every dinner table (and topless
bar) involves the President and his “alleged” overactive sexual appetite. The media may very well be the primary
culprit for our overzealous enthusiasm.
We are programmed to follow what they “show and tell” us; these days
they have little interest in covering anything else.
While I’m embarrassed to
admit it, I too have found myself caught up in this hype, though I try to
maintain a certain level of dignity.
Instead of reading the prototypical
“Globe” or “Enquirer” in the line at the grocery store (I only scan the
headlines), I obtain my gossip from the “Wall Street Journal”, “New York
Times”, and “Time Magazine.” These days
it’s actually hard to tell the difference.
Likewise, I don’t track the details on “Hard Copy” or “Geraldo”, but
rather on reputable journalistic news programs like “CNN World Tonight”,
“Nightline”, and “This Week with Sam and Cokie.” (Did I say dignity?) I’ve watched the Prez gracefully dance around
reporters’ pressing questions while sitting alongside the likes of Madeline
Albright, Tony Blair, and Yasir
Arafat. The world watches with much
anticipation as the media continues to probe and prod and hound and hassle “all
the president’s men” in search of some well deserved answers. Meanwhile, despite our complete fascination
with these “important” developments of the day, crucial events of the world
continue to shape our very lives. But we
don’t even notice.
Pope (John Paul II) made history when he visited Communist Cuba, even taking a
minute or two to bash the United States and our policy of economic
sanctions. (Mr. President, did you…) Ted Kaczynski (rhymes with Lewinsky) admitted
that he was, in fact, the “Unabomber” pleading guilty before being sentenced to
life in prison. (That girl, Monica, has
she…) The Asian financial woes continue
to wreak havoc on foreign markets, threatening to halt this country’s greatest
economic expansion. (And Kenneth Starr,
isn’t he…) The economy of Houston
should reap financial rewards with the announcements of the
mergers/associations/partnerships between Compaq and Digital as well as
Continental and Northwest Airlines. (How
does Hillary feel about…). The Winter
Olympics, featuring local hero Tara Lipinski, (also rhymes with Lewinsky -
coincidence???) have begun in earnest.
(Mr. Ginsburg, when did…) And, oh
by way, we’re going to war with Iraq.
Sadly, the country is far more familiar with Vernon Jordan than with
Alan Greenspan. We know more about Betty
Currie’s position within the administration than that of Bill Cohen.
Well as long as we’re all totally engulfed in the
controversy de jour, we might as well try to learn something in the
process. While we’ve gained plenty of
valuable insight into political internships, legal tape recordings, and marital
infidelity, this current situation makes for an excellent case study in media
relations, a topic quite important in today’s workplace. Everyday, businesses across the country find
themselves caught up in the often fast paced challenges of dealing with the
media. As difficulties occur within our
organizations, the press is often right at the forefront, ready, willing, and
eager to “report” the facts to the concerned public. Unfortunately, since we, in this tabloid
society, typically delight in learning about the misfortunes of others, much of
the “impartial” journalism comes with a negative “spin” that is often quite
difficult to overcome.
That’s where watching this breaking story can help. The President and his “partners in crime”
(better known as political and legal spindoctors) have done a masterful job at
diverting the attention of the nation into a totally new direction (Anyone see
“Wag the Dog”??) . On every news
program, in every magazine article, throughout every interview, all of the
President’s associates have stayed on message and changed the focus from the
“Clinton Affairs” to the “Starr Conspiracy.”
And it’s working. The President’s
favorable numbers are up; Starr’s ratings are approaching those of Newt Gingrich. The main point here is not in the diversion,
but rather in the message consistency.
Within every business, each employee, from CEO to maintenance man,
should be taught to relay a universal message to the listening public. In times of trouble, talking points should be
distributed to ensure that everyone within the organization is spreading the
proper company word. (As long as those
talking points don’t constitute an obstruction of justice.) If they’re repeated long enough, the hounding
media will have no choice but to tell “your” story.
Additionally, the President has done an exceptional job of
not dwelling on the conflict(s) and “pretending” to concentrate on his business
at hand. Under trying circumstances, the
State of the Union address was nothing short of remarkable. Likewise, in the workplace, all efforts must
be placed on remaining totally focused on your daily responsibilities. In stressful times, your customers as well as
your competitors will be watching your every move, waiting for you to slip, so
they too can pounce on your misfortunes.
Don’t give them the satisfaction of becoming their tabloid news. Leave that job to someone more deserving and
experienced, someone like the President.
remember Brounes & Associates for:
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publication of Brounes & Associates focusing on business marketing and
general communications strategies. Please call Ron Brounes (does NOT rhyme with
Lewinsky) at 713-432-1910 for additional information. FWIW strives to maintain the utmost in
journalistic integrity and should, in no way, be associated with or compared to
any sensationalized tabloid periodical that may have been referred to above.